Mindful use of modern medicine and Eastern practices
– First, fix medical problems as recommended by my doctors, usually with medicine, and supplements and lifestyle changes. Then, my goal is to fix the problem, not just the symptoms.
Empower through self-healing. I believe in the power of self-healing, by reading the signals, controlling one’s mind, and using remedies or practices to feel better.
I had significant improvement - calmed IBS, fewer migraines, and improved immune system - after following the Whole30 diet for 45 days and continuing many of the principles. Now, I eat a primarily low-carb diet of organic meat, fruit, and vegetables, like the Mediterranean diet. My treat is Lily’s chocolate with Stevia-like sweetener.
Breathing exercises
My success with breathing exercises, particularly the double breathing technique for the diaphragm and lungs, got me off of all-day supplemental oxygen entirely and also calmed me down a lot. I had been a chronic shallow breather, with tightening just above my diaphragm. Luckily, I was able to solve my low oxygen levels with a daily routine of breathing exercises through apps, exercise, and meditation.
Memory support supplement
I had a combination of brain fog, cognitive issues, and significant memory problems. One of my physicians, Terry Grossman, was a co-developer of a memory support supplement that was the first thing that made me better, leaving the life of a shut-in.
Healthy routines and habits
I have much better routines for spiritual practice, exercise, medical care, eating, down-time, and fun.
Spiritual practices
I bask in spiritual support that has grown through daily practices of prayer and meditation. Looking inward, I have seen what I needed to relish, be compassionate about, let go of, and modify to live in greater harmony within myself and others. I have learned to love and care for myself. Feel spiritually connected to others. Asked to pray for people around the world and children born into our transitioning world. Along with others, I send out prayers of comfort, support, and empathy. I believe in the transformative power of prayer and meditation.
Embrace nature
I enjoy and am mindful while in nature. It helps free my mind of needless clutter and gain fresh perspectives. I am more aware of the wind, birds, wildlife, the smell of pine, and the sounds.
Positive mind-set
Part of the plan was to focus on raising the quality of my thoughts throughout the day through affirmations and positive thinking.
Louise Hays, author of Healing Your Body, wrote that she believes it is important to spend most of one’s day in positive thoughts. Specifically, she aimed for 80% positive thoughts in any given day.
Since I read that, that was my goal, too. I dramatically limited the time spent watching news programs. I made progress with affirmation and gratitude practices and well as therapy to work through forgiveness and understanding. My thinking also shifted by taking the Serenity Prayer to heart.
More moments of my life happy and joyous. I believe “what we think, we become”.
It is lovely to declutter my head of negative thoughts, my space of unused possessions, and seek to live a simpler life of tranquility.
Calm Nervous System
From The FibroManual: A Complete Fibromyalgia Treatment Guide for You and Your Doctor, I learned the connection between being my overworked nervous system and fibromyalgia, with degrees of exhaustion and pain.
Overactive nervous system and fibromyalgia
I learned that a fibromyalgia patient’s body, definitely my body, was exhausted from a heightened “flight or fight” reaction. I became stressed which put me in a lot of pain. Lactic acid built up in my muscles. I did not have deep, restorative sleep, which meant that I was prone to have another day’s grind of pain, exhaustion, and a continually anxious nervous system.
Self-healing techniques
I practice meditation regularly. My success with breathing exercises, particularly the double breathing technique for the diaphragm and lungs, got me off of all-day supplemental oxygen entirely and also calmed me down a lot.
Manage the “fight or flight” cycle
It wasn’t until I realized that I could manage the “fight or flight” cycle and teach my body to dramatically calm down that I made significant strides. I found that magnesium spray on my muscles, particularly my arms, neck, and upper back, broke up the lactic acid and reduced the pain and tension in my arms. I have used it all over my body, wherever it’s needed. The first week I used it once or twice a day and now just use it when I need it. When I take magnesium powder at night, it has a calming effect for deeper sleep.
My body now senses when I feel low levels of pain or tension. I use natural remedies — like deep-breathing, meditating, taking a walk, spiritual practice, singing, or dancing — to begin feeling better. The key for me has been to be aware of how I am feeling and address the concerns relatively soon.