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Community I am so grateful to be able to develop the Better Senior Moments community. It’s been a labor of…

7 habits for thriving

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7 habits for thriving

7 habits for thriving

This morning I watched a synchronistic video about thriving that says it is inspired by Maya Angelou’s viewpoints. It states that we are held back by our own habits that keep us from living our full potential. There are 7 habits for us to fulfill our dreams.

Self-defeating practices

In the video, Angelou explores the mindsets that prevent us from living our best lives:

  • She asks, do your present habits weigh you down from achieving your dreams or are they in synch with your dreams and aspirations?
  • Living in fear creates a life of complacency, draining our energy and resoluteness. On the other hand, each new day provides the opportunity to live with determination to break habits that hold us back and create ones that propel us to the future we dream of achieving.
  • Each day, our negative thoughts of the “relentless self-critic” have the power to ignore our achievements and strengths and bring us down and dwell on mistakes of the past. The critic is a long-standing voice from our childhood and from being identified as a failure. Negative thoughts are generally over-exaggerated. They can place us in a state of non-productive procrastination and perfectionism. While looking at our past failures as a growth period is uplifting to new possibilities.
  • “We should never settle for mediocrity when the potential for greatness lies within us.”
  • “Growth is a deliberate act” of attention, hard work, and dedication to our highest potential of our “mind, body, and spirit”.

Seven habits for success

  • Have “audacious goals”. It is the best way to counteract thoughts and habits of complacency, procrastination, and perfectionism. Counteract thoughts that can convince us that it is fine to have the comfort of living an easy life of our daily routines.
  • Build a support system of friends and acquaintances who inspire you and hold you accountable to your commitment. Sharing our triumphs and strategies with others is uplifting.
  • Embrace a path of self-improvement and empowerment through courage and relentless commitment. Key to growth is the awareness that obstacles that challenge us and that we manage build capabilities needed for success. No longer something to be avoided, facing obstacles are stepping stones to accomplishment and transformation.
  • Create a schedule with easily-accomplished tasks to create momentum to meet your goals. Set aside blocks of time to get work done.
  • Declutter your space and remove distractions, making it easier to complete your tasks.
  • Cultivate self-compassion, which will build resilience. Pay attention to your thoughts, especially when you encounter difficulty. Realize that making mistakes is part of being human. Acknowledge the lessons learned from overcoming challenges and procrastination. Affirmations that resonate with you such as “I am enough”, “I deserve success”, or “I am capable of achieving my goals” become part of your consciousness. Recite them daily.
  • Gratitude shifts the mindset of lack to one of abundance.

You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

– Marcus Aurelius

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