


Having “Better Senior Moments” means fostering greater enjoyment, clarity, health, and joyfulness.


That can include transforming our thoughts and our lives by having a higher percentage of positive thoughts.


Powerful transformation is possible through Forgiveness, Gratefulness, and by fostering Joyfulness.

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become, what you feel, you attract,

and what you imagine, you create."


Enhance your Well-Being

Cultivate joy




What is a Joyful Life?Feeling happy, being healthy, having positive personal and family relationships, and feeling comfortable.

See Joyfulness practices on the Activities page.




28 Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners to Learn28 Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners to Learn.  
- Ten most common meditation techniques
- Best techniques for beginners
- More information

Meditation apps and videos- YouTube has many free meditation videos
- Free Mindfulness Apps Worthy of Your Attention, Mindful.org
- Aura, Apple
- The 7 Best Meditation Apps of 2024, Very Well Mind

How prayer and meditation affects the brainThis is your brain on prayer and meditation. How does the ritual, regardless of personal faith or intention, affect our behavior? Deeply, experts say.

8 keys to a more powerful prayer life8 keys to a more powerful prayer life, World Vision

Serenity prayerGod, grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the
things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.
--Reinhold Niebuhr

Breathing techniques10 Breathing Exercises to Try When You’re Feeling Stressed, Healthline

Breathwork practicesHow to calm your mind with breathing, according to science, The Washington Post

Breathing anxiety away (article)Breathing anxiety away, A few minutes of sighing can relax you quickly and keep you feeling better all day long, Stanford Medicine Magazine

Best free breathing apps and videosYouTube has many videos about breathing exercises

General Breathing Exercises:
- Breathe2Relax: Offers a variety of breathing exercises for stress management and relaxation.  
- Breathwrk: Provides guided breathing sessions and personalized breathing plans.  
- Oxygen Advantage: Features breathing techniques for improved health and performance.  
- Breathe Easy: Simple breathing pacer with customizable inhale and exhale durations. 

Specific Breathing Conditions:  
- COPD Coach: Helps patients with COPD manage their breathing and improve their quality of life.  
- Asthma Buddy: Provides breathing exercises and educational resources for asthma sufferers.  
- Sleep Apnea Helper: Offers breathing techniques to reduce snoring and improve sleep quality.

Overactive Nervous System (article)What Are the Symptoms of an Overactive Nervous System? MedicineNet

Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.

Hermann Hesse

Positive Mindset


The Healing Power of Forgiveness (article)The Healing Power of Forgiveness (article) explains how forgiveness is a gift that you give yourself to let go of the anger, resentment, and other negative feelings that keep a past hurt alive. While it is not easy, letting go improves your mental and physical health. It may help to develop practices for forgiving and becoming inspired by stories of forgiveness, such as at The International Forgiveness Institute and The Forgiveness Project.

Feeling Good Together (book) Feeling Good Together: The Secret to Making Troubled Relationships Work by David D. Burns, M.D. (book) recommended by the therapist that I worked with. I would not have done so well without him.

Cultivate Forgiveness Meditation (video)Cultivate Forgiveness Meditation (video)

PubMed journal articlesPubMed journal articles about the health benefits of forgiveness


Power of Gratitude (video)Power of Gratitude (video). Buckleup Motivation explores the importance of appreciating what you have, understanding your purpose, and pushing through life's obstacles. Drawing from some of Denzel Washington's best quotes and mindset principles, they emphasize that happiness and fulfillment come from within and are not solely dependent on external success.

How to Practice Gratitude (article)In How to Practice Gratitude, you learn how to develop the mindset to recognize good events that occur throughout your day and 10 practices to foster thankfulness.

Good Days Start With Gratitude (journal)Good Days Start With Gratitude (journal) is a 52 week guide to cultivate an attitude of gratitude! It is a self exploration journal designed to focus on being thankful for what we have, the big things in life, as well as the simple joys. Each well designed weekly spread contains an inspirational quote, space to write 3 things you are thankful for each day of the week, and a weekly checkpoint.

PubMed journal articlesPubMed journal articles about the health benefits of gratefulness


Rewire your brainWhat we think, we become. A regular affirmations practice changes your inner self-talk, which rewires your brain to be predisposed to your aspirations, as described in The Science of Affiirmations

Challenge negative self-talkYour thoughts will shift away from negative self-talk as you become more aware of what you have been saying to yourself and decide what to let go of.

Reduce stress and promote self-healingReduce stress and promote self-healing as described in Reducing threat responses to help-seeking information: Influences of self-affirmations and reassuring information

Create an inner sanctuary to better manage life's challengesWhen you engage in regular affirmation practices you will inherently create an Inner Sanctuary, a place of tranquility,  to better manage life's challenges.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

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Follow these 10 rules and embark on a journey of self-discovery and natural wellness. Dive deep into the art of self-healing and embrace the power of holistic remedies that are practiced around the world.

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