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Community I am so grateful to be able to develop the Better Senior Moments community. It’s been a labor of…

7 habits for thriving

This morning I watched a synchronistic video about thriving that says it is inspired by Maya Angelou’s viewpoints. It states…

5 Ways to Relax

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding ways to relax is crucial for maintaining mental and physical well-being.…

5 Relaxing Activities

As people age, finding enjoyable and relaxing activities becomes essential for maintaining mental and physical health. Here are five activities…

Embracing Happiness at Any Moment

When is the right time to be happy? Happiness is a choice we can make at any time, regardless of…



I am so grateful to be able to develop the Better Senior Moments community. It’s been a labor of love, born out of my healing and spiritual journey.

As my health improved, I thought about other people in similar situations. These thoughts prompted me to think of an online community to share our concerns, coping skills, triumphs, and adventures. I like the concept of “Better Senior Moments” where together we share ways of living that make us happier.


There are at least thirteen forums now – and more to come – to discuss life, health, travel, and well-being. It’s my aim that the discussions lead to supportive friendships.

“So, how do you get your better senior moments?”

I had a dream of having mugs and a couple of products for the community. I saw smiles on people’s faces as they thought – “yes, I am having Better Senior Moments!” A woman carrying a Better Senior Moments tote bag was asked cheekily, “So, how do you get your better senior moments?” Merchandise will be available soon.

Community presentations

In addition to a monthly online meeting, I will also be making presentations to senior centers and communities. The “Taste of Better Senior Moments” visual presentations contain three topics and prompts for conversation, thumbs up/thumbs down votes, etc. The first presentation includes “twelve most famous paintings”, a few interesting news stories for and about seniors, and photos of Puerto Vallarta. The presentations are on-site in the Colorado Springs area and online around the world.

Transformation and fun!

The things that I have done to improve my health and well-being have made a new person out of me and I hope that others can share in my success and teach me to laugh and live more.

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.

The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.

Carl Jung

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